Biblical Viewpoints Books |
About us:We publish books on doctrine and practical discipleship. The books are written in a clear, simple, and direct style, using ample scriptural support. These books are designed to aid both "laity" and church leaders in understanding and growing in Christ. Our goal is to "Teach what befits sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1), because Jesus Christ taught that "he who hears the word and understands it; he indeed bears fruit" (Matt. 13:23). |
Our books:Please contact us to order: Phone: 574-875-8007 or email: |
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1. Christian Evidence -How we know the Bible is God's Revelation, by Leland M. Haines. 128-page, 4 1/4 x 7 1/4 perfect bound. Is there any revaltion from the world's maker? J. C. Wenger writes in the introduction, "Allow me to state humbly that the reading of this manuscript was for me a blessing to the inner man." ISBN 1-9616910-2-6 $3.50 |
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2. Authority of Scripture, by L. M. Haines. 188 pages, perfect bound. On writing, collection of the New Testament, the Greek Text-Type, etc. ISBN 0-890133-2-7 $8.00 |
3. God's Word Written, by J. C. Wenger. 160-pages perfect bound. "Is there any word from the Lord?" No question is of greater importance to men today. The word the Lord spoke centuries ago to prophets, poets, historians, and the Apostles and their associates. How that spoken word became "the Word written" is the subject of this book. ISBN 0-890133-16-7 $7.00 | |
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4. Redemption Realized Through Christ-A Study of the Bible's Teachings on Redemption, by Leland M. Haines. 256 pages, perfect bound. A major Bible study from the Fall to Jesus Christ and the New Testament explanation of His ministry to latter day events. Simon Schrock writes, "I challenge you to carefully read this excellent work." ISBN 1-890133-03-5 $10.00 |
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5. Biblical Concept of the Church, by L. M. Haines. 143 pages, perfect bound. What did Christ mean when He said, "I will build my church." ISBN 0-890133-4-3 $8.00 |
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6. Introduction to Theology, by J. C. Wenger. 411 pages, hard cover. This is a well-known Systematic theology book sets forth the teachings of the Word of God in five major divisions1. God as Creator, 2. God as Revealer, 3. God as Redeemer, 4. God as Sanctifier, and 5. God as All in All. It is written in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. The sixth printing of this valuable work. ISBN 1-9616910-5-0 $20.00 |
7. Biblical Theology, Old Testament, by C. K. Lehman. 480 pages, perfect bound. This Biblical Theology of the Old Testament seeks to interpret God's revelation to man and shows how He guided the course of God's chosen people to fulfill His promise of salvation to be wrought through the Messiah. ISBN 0-890133-12-4 $15.00 | |
8. Biblical Theology, New Testament, by C. K. Lehman. 566 pages, perfect bound. This is a Biblical Theology of the New Testament tells of the unfolding revelation of God to man, the biblical theology approach to its study should prove instructive to ministers and Bible students. ISBN 0-890133-13-2 $15.00 | |
9. The Holy Spirit and Holy Life, by C. K. Lehman, 220 pages, perfect bound. The book seeks to answer the question, "How does the Holy Spirit transform a sinner into a saint?" ISBN 0-890133-17-5 $7.00 | |
10. Canon and Text of the New Testament, by Caspar Rene Gregory, 539 pages, perfect bound. A classic published in 1907 by a student of Tischendorf and former Professor of New Testament at the U. of Leipzig. ISBN 0-890133-14-0 $30.00 | |
11. The Byzantine Texttype and Textual Criticism, by Harry Sturz, 305 pages, perfect bound. A study of the Greek text behind the Received Text, the text the King James is based on. ISBN 0-890133-15-9 $12.95 | |
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12. New Testament AVU Authorized Version Update, a contemporary version of the Textus Receptus-/Byzantine text. It is essentially the same Greek manuscripts as the AV/KJV. By updating the syntax and wording, we hoped to facilitate the reading and comprehension of God’s Word, especially among children and youth. ISBN: 978-1-890133-30-6 $6.00 |
13. Separated Unto God, by J. C. Wenger, 350 pages, perfect bound. A study of disciples of Christ relation to the world, and our call to live a life separated unto God. ISBN 0-890133-20-5 $12.95 | |
14. Even Unto Death, by J. C. Wenger, 129 pages, perfect bound. A study of early Anabaptist. ISBN 0-890133-24-8 $8.00 | |
15. The Christian Veiling, by Leland M. Haines. 24 page. A study of I Cor. 11:2-16. $2.00 | |
16. The Biblical Doctrine of Election, by Haines. 24-page, stapled. A study on how God elected His people. $2.00 | |
17. Sovereignty of God, by Haines.24-page, stapled. A study of sovereignty and free-will. $2.00 |